Activity Support For Seniors Using Public Displays: A Proof Of Concept (conference_proceedings)

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Author(s): Fietkau, Julian; Stojko, Laura


Seniors face many challenges in their daily activities regarding mobility and accessibility. We have designed and prototyped a system of networked public displays to support them, particularly regarding outdoor pedestrian navigation. This article describes the process and results of a qualitative evaluation of this prototype system, which was conducted with seven participants, a mixture of older adults and experts on geriatric care. Based on insights gained from these interviews, we provide guidance on the design of outdoor activity support systems for seniors.

Full reference:

Fietkau, J., & Stojko, L. (2021). Activity Support For Seniors Using Public Displays: A Proof Of Concept. In Proc. Mensch und Computer 2021. ACM Press. doi:10.1145/3473856.3474002



@urbanlifeplus, CommunityMirror, urbanlifeplus


DOI: 10.1145/3473856.3474002

