Operationalizing the Benefit of Information Radiators from an Awareness Point of View (journal)

Erscheinungsjahr: 2022

Author(s): Lippert, Stefan; Koch, Michael


In this paper, we present a grounded theory research for the benefit information radiators provided using the concept of awareness. Information radiators are ubiquitous installations that disseminate information that is likely to improve aware- ness in semi-public environments. We discuss potential awareness benefits of information radiators and how these can be provided. Furthermore, we examine how to address several awareness facets that correlate with the benefits to contribute to this goal. The results aim to close the research gap about the benefit of information radiators considered from an awareness point of view.

Full reference:

Lippert, S., & Koch, M. (2022). Operationalizing the Benefit of Information Radiators from an Awareness Point of View. Sn Computer Science, 3(5). doi:10.1007/s42979-021-00928-7


Ambient display, Awareness, Awareness radiator, Benefit, Information radiator, Large screen, Pervasive display, communitymirror, public screen


@HoPE, CommunityMirror


DOI: 10.1007/s42979-021-00928-7

