A system design to support outside activities of older adults using smart urban objects (conference_proceedings)

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Author(s): Fietkau, Julian; Stojko, Laura


During outside activities, elderly people encounter different challenges than young people. Those difficulties impede their motivation to pursue outside activities. To counter this problem from a human-computer interaction perspective, we propose a support system for seniors to improve their motivation and subjective safety while undertaking outside activities by coordinating smart urban objects. Drawing from an extensive empirical requirements analysis, we identify typical barriers experienced by seniors for which networked smart urban objects may provide assistance. We discuss a conceptual description of an activity support system: the system aggregates user profile data with information about the urban space to suggest possible activities, the elderly user chooses an activity and receives navigational assistance to increase their motivation and feeling of safety while undertaking the chosen activity. Finally, we discuss our approach regarding challenges such as user autonomy, privacy and real-world deployments, which need to be considered in future implementation and evaluation phases of the system.

Full reference:

Fietkau, J., & Stojko, L. (2020). A system design to support outside activities of older adults using smart urban objects. In Proc. Europ. Conf. on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2020. EUSSET. doi:10.18420/ecscw2020_ep07



CommunityMirror, urbanlifeplus


DOI: 10.18420/ecscw2020_ep07

